Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Defining Soulmates

It seems to me that the number 1 reason most people are not in a soulmate relationship is not even so much that they don't believe in soulmates, but that they don't really understand what a soulmate is. The word "soulmate" has become almost stigmatized in our society due to a number of misconceptions surrounding it. And that's a real shame, because a soulmate relationship is one the most amazing things one can experience in life, and a concept that definitely needs some debunking and "unstigmatizing".

So, what do we really mean when we say this almost mystical word "soulmate"? Well, first let's examine what a soulmate ISN'T.
A soulmate is not someone who you have EVERYTHING in common with. Certainly, you must agree on certain fundamental issues, such as values and outlook on life, but it is a myth that your personality and interests have to match completely. In fact, sometimes opposite personalities make the best relationships, because you balance each other out, as is the case with me and my soulmate.
A soulmate is not someone who you never have arguments or disagreements with. Soulmate couples on average have just as many arguments as any other average human relationship; the difference is in HOW they deal with them and not let them escalate into major conflicts. This is much easier to do in a soulmate relationship because soulmates to see clearer through each others' ego facade and realize that whatever they are arguing about is just petty nonsense. If it's not petty, then they find a way to resolve their differences in a way that suits both parties satisfactorily.
Soulmates are not "joined at the hip". While soulmates probably do spend more time together than average couples, they still value their independence and realize that they are their own person. If not, then it is not a healthy relationship, which is based on dependence and possessiveness. In a healthy soulmate relationship both parties see each other as a valuable attribute to each other's lives, rather than a vital necessity.

At last, what IS a soulmate then?

A soulmate is someone who you FEEL like you could wake up to every single day and you wouldn't want it any other way. It is someone who you FEEL values and connects with your true self, not the image you put on for others. A soulmate can easily see through that image, and FEEL your true self, even in an argument (or just after it). A soulmate is someone who you FEEL fully comfortable with and someone who you want to share everything with (your past and future, grief and joy, income and emotions, plans and ideas, etc.). A soulmate FEELS what you feel, and one soulmate can't be happy if the other one isn't.
I keep emphasizing the word FEEL, because that word is basically what the whole definition of the word "soulmate" boils down to. A soulmate is someone who you feel and who feels you on almost the same level that you feel yourself. You are that connected on the fundamental level of subatomic particles which you consist of.

For more information about soulmates, please visit www.thesoulmateguide.com


  1. This was very beautifully put. I am learning something and that is awesome. When your thirty and you haven't found the right person yet, you need to learn what you are doing wrong!

  2. How to trust my feelings is what I'd like to know! My feelings scare me. I'm so afraid of another bad experience, and I can't tell the difference between dillusions/fantasies of a potential mate's compatibility vs. the logical reasons why it would/wouldn't work vs. a genuine "release" feeling when with this person (i.e. supposed vibrational match).

    I have a situation like that now. The guy is totally opposite of me, but when we talk time flies. I have so much fun and he seems to see through my resistant veneer. But we're TOTAL opposites and often have heated discussions about everything. So what do I feel? Scared, mistrustful, judgemental, frisky, passionate, and at ease.

    Which feelings do I trust??
