Monday, May 17, 2010

Making Your Soulmate Relationship Last

There come times in every relationship when the mundane routine gets the best of us and it takes a toll on our relationship. Even in soulmate relationships there are times we get bored, and everything about our partner just starts to irritate us. However, there are numerous little things you can do to keep the flame lit and get the best out of your relationship.

1.Be silly with your partner.
Being silly is important because it keeps things fun and reminds you not to take yourself or life too seriously. I can’t even tell you how silly my partner and I act with each other. We have cheesy nicknames for each other, we sing ridiculous songs that we make up, and we love to make silly faces. This may sound childish on the surface, but really, in tough times or during an argument, one of us can easily revert to silliness and we are instantly reminded that the argument we are having is just as silly as our songs and faces.

2.Be romantic.
Romance is not dead, contrary to the popular belief. You’d be surprised what the occasional romantic day trip, picnic, or dinner can do for a relationship. When you take time out of your busy schedule to appreciate your relationship, it can work wonders.

3.Be spontaneous.
There is nothing better you can do to get your away from your daily routine than doing something unusual to break the pattern. Take an unplanned day trip somewhere, surprise your partner with something (a meal, a small gift), go out on a Tuesday night. Why not?

4.Try different things together.
When you get a day off together, instead of doing what you usually do (whatever that may be), try something completely different. If you usually tend to stay home, then go somewhere. If you always go places, then stay home for some quiet relaxation. If you always stay in the city, try getting out to nature. Play something together you haven’t played before (whether it be a board game or an active sport). The point is, don’t keep doing the exact same things you always do, as the tendency is to get bored. And before you know it, you won’t be bored with the activities. You’ll be bored with your partner.

5.Try different things apart.

This one is crucial. It’s really important to have some separate activities. If you are doing everything with your partner and you get little time apart, again, there comes the tendency to get bored. You know that time when you just start dating – you are only seeing each other a couple of times a week, right? You miss each other. When you start living together, there is usually no more missing each other, because you are together most of the time. So, it’s important to have activities that are just for you, like hobbies, hanging out with girl friends or guy friends, sports or exercise, etc. That way you give each other a chance to miss each other and keep things fresh!

To find out how to attract your perfect partner, please visit

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Never Settle for Less Than a Soulmate

When people hit a certain age, especially women, they are heavily pressured to “tie the knot” and “settle down” with a life partner. Unfortunately, more often than not, this results in the wrong choice of partner. Settling for anything less than a soulmate for life can be a grave mistake. Let’s examine why.

I was casually flipping through an English newspaper, and there it was. Page 8. “Find Mr. Right Before Age 30 or Settle for Mr. Second Best.” Well, isn’t that great? I’m being told to settle yet again.
The article talked about how too many women are swept off their feet by the idea of soulmates and that in real life they don’t really exist. Strong marriages are built upon trust and cooperation, we are told, not on that fairytale kind of love and romance we see in TV soap operas. Apparently we need to get our heads out of the clouds and by the time we are 30, that’s it, our clock has ticked away its time and we’d better find a man fast before we hit 40 and are still alone and miserable.
Wrong! Settling for the wrong mate could be the biggest mistake of your life. Why? Well, it’s really quite simple. You have to spend every day of your life with this person (with the occasional break maybe). You have to share everything with this person – the joys, the sorrows, the money you make, your kids! If this person is not your soulmate, your life might be OK, but it will never be great. You will never experience true happiness. And isn’t that what we are all after in this life? We don’t really want lots of money, a big house, and a successful career. We want the positive feelings that come with those things. And if you are with the wrong partner, you can be sure you won’t experience those positive feelings on a regular basis.
If your life partner is not your soulmate, it will affect you in more ways than you can imagine. The effects may range from subtle to catastrophic, but you can be sure they will be noticed sooner or later. If you are not with the right person, you may one day find yourself empty, because life isn’t very fulfilling when you are sharing it with someone, who you don’t have a deep connection with. And when that happens, no amount of “cooperation” or finances will help fill that gap. But when you are with a soulmate, all the other gaps in life are easier to fill.
Settling for second best in relationships is kind of like wearing a pair of shoes that doesn’t quite fit all your life. Maybe they look good, and the quality is not bad either, but if you are uncomfortable in them, eventually you will start hating them at best, or do some serious damage to your body in the worst-case scenario.
But it’s difficult to find a soulmate, isn’t it? Well, that depends on you. Basically, it’s like the old saying goes: whether you believe something is possible or not, you are absolutely right. It may take a little more than a belief to find the partner of your dreams, but everyone certainly has it within them to do it. The key is not to believe those who say it’s difficult and that there is only one soulmate for each of us out there. There are thousands and you just need to be open to the possibility of meeting one.
To learn more about how to find your soulmate, please visit

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Masculine-Feminine Energy Ratio in Soulmate Relationships

When searching for your soulmate, it is important to understand the relevance of the amount of masculine and feminine energy you possess. That’s right – each of us, male or female, carries both, and the amount of each should inversely match that of our partner in order to create a lasting soulmate relationship.

Feminine and masculine energy, estrogen and testosterone, yin and yang – whatever you want to call them – play a crucial part in creating a successful soulmate relationship. If you and your partner have an inverse energy match, chances are, your relationship will be strong, even if you have some other major discrepancies.
For starters, you should be clear on your own masculine-feminine ratio. This shouldn’t be very difficult to determine. If you are woman, how traditionally feminine are you? Is it 60%? 80%? Do you possess any traditionally masculine characteristics? If so, what percentage of your personality do you think they comprise?
I’d like to point out here that I am by no means trying to be sexist and put men and women into boxed character descriptions. Like I said, we all possess some characteristics of both gender energies. So, it’s important to determine your ratio.
For example, I consider myself 65% yin and about 35% yang. I am fairly feminine in that I openly express my volatile emotions, I like to dress up and wear make-up, and I really like to be shown affection to. However, I can also be quite aggressive, stubborn, and head-strung, which indicate a noticeable presence of testosterone.
So, if I am 65% feminine and 35% masculine, then my soulmate or perfect partner should be 65% masculine and 35% feminine, which, he is! Basically, the sum of the percentages of each of your energies and your partner’s energies should more or less equal 100. If it’s too far off, then it may be quite difficult for the relationship.
For example, a very feminine woman cannot be happy with a very feminine man. He cannot fill her masculinity gap, nor can she fill his. It’s no wonder that you often find extremely feminine women with strong archetypal traditional men. The same goes for effeminate men who end up with powerful women. Those relationships work!
So, it’s important to first determine your own yin-yang ratio. Then you can look for a partner with an inverse ratio, and he/she may very well be your soulmate. To find out more about how to manifest your dream relationship, please visit

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

5 Signs You are Dating Your Soulmate

Early on in a relationship it is sometimes difficult to tell if you've met your ideal partner and if the person you are dating is actually your soulmate. However, there are certain signs that let you know straight up whether the one you're with is your perfectly suited soulmate.

1) You are completely comfortable and relaxed with this person, like you've already known him/her for a long time.

Soulmates will often have a "feeling like they already knew each other" before they met. According to esoteric studies of soulmates, they actually have met before, in their past lives. Whether this is true and whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter. The fact is that soulmates have a fundamental energy bond that they both feel from the very beginning. They can't explain it, but it feels like they've known each other longer than they actually had. They feel at ease with each other, like they could say or do anything they could with an old friend. The comfort level is very high between soulmates.

2) You are not playing "the dating game".

Soulmates don't wait 3 days before calling after a first date. Soulmates don't "play hard to get" or pretend they care less about the other person than they actually do, even in the very beginning of the relationship. Soulmates aren't afraid to "look desperate" in front of each other by making a move, and they certainly aren't reserved about how they feel about each other. Soulmates' main desire is to just BE with each other, and they are not concerned with what everyone else thinks, and much less how they SHOULD act at a certain point in the relationship. They just do what feels right.

3) You feel a deep connection with this person from the very beginning.

As I mentioned in the first sign, soulmates have a fundamental energy bond, and it is usually evident to both very early on in the relationship. This can be described as a feeling that this person is almost a part of you in some way (not to be confused with infatuation, where you feel like you NEED the person to continue living, so to speak). You feel like this person adds profoundly to your quality of life and you want to share important moments with him/her, as soulmates always share everything.

4) Your most important life values are a match.

Soulmates almost always agree on important things in life. It means that they share different values, from spiritual to materialistic, and they agree on things like where they want to live to how they spend their free time. They don't necessarily have to have all the same interests, but they certainly share the most significant ones. What this means varies from couple to couple. For example, my partner and I like very different music, but to us this is a very trivial difference, because music is not an extremely important part of our lives. However, for another couple, music can be very important, and if they are soulmates, chances are they will agree on the type of music they like.

5) When you make love, it is deeply sensual, as well as extremely passionate and satisfying.
The physical expression of love between soulmates is just as powerful as the emotional and spiritual aspect. When soulmates come together physically, it's more than just a sexual act. It is their deep spiritual connection materializing into a tangible form. That's why the intensity and passion level between soulmates is usually much higher than that of regular relationships. The deep connection that you feel in sign #3 from within you will also undoubtedly experience from without in a soulmate relationship.

To find out more about how to find your soulmate, please visit

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Multiple Soulmates

Many people are enamoured with the idea of "The One". It is hyped up in movies, romance novels, and articles throughout magazines and on the internet, and all this perpetuates the illusion that there is only one perfect match (or soulmate) for each of us out there. From the point of view of the energy universe, however, this notion makes absolutely no sense!

For some, the idea of "The One" is a beautiful fantasy - one which they hope to realize some day if they are lucky; but to them it seems like a very difficult thing, since it is so rare. To others the whole thing seems repulsive, because they don't see how there could be this one "magical" soulmate on the planet that would bring them boundless pleasure and put an end to all the woes in their love life. So, they just settle for mediocre relationships, which they consider the norm and never experience true happiness in love. On the surface these two groups of people seem to be very different, but actually they have more in common than meets the eye. They both hold false beliefs about soulmates, and that's why they never end up meeting one. Yes, one. Not "The One". One of thousands upon thousands.

It's important to understand that your soul is perfectly compatible with more than one other soul on this planet. Your soul is the essence of you; it is your life energy, so to speak. This energy vibrates at different frequencies inside each and every one of us. Your vibrations may be very similar to some people, and very different from others. That's why with some people you "click", and with others you struggle to say a word. You get different "vibes" from different people. Your soul feels other souls right away and it knows its matches. This is how you make friends - the more similar your vibrational energy is, the stronger the friendship. But you wouldn't say that you could only have one friend like that in your life or in the world, right?

It's exactly the same with romantic relationships. The more similar your vibrational energy is to that of your partner, the better the match will be. And out of almost 7 billion human beings on our planet now, there may be literally thousands upon thousands of potential perfect matches for your energy, all of them your soulmates! You may walk past them every day on the street and not even know it, because your false beliefs ingrained so deeply in your subconscious mind will block them out of your scope of awareness. In order to meet one of your soulmates, the first step is to shatter the belief system of "The One" and realize that it's not difficult to meet a soulmate at all if you allow it to happen. And to accelerate the process, you can use the method presented in The Soulmate Guide at

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5 Proven Steps to Find Your Soulmate

Many people struggle in loneliness or in relationships that are not right for them. Some have given up hope to find that perfect someone. But in reality, that perfect someone, your soulmate, is not that hard to find. Here we will examine steps you can take today to find your soulmate.

1)Identify your limiting beliefs about soulmates and relationships in general. For example, if you find yourself thinking, or saying, that relationships are hassle and pain, or that all men are jerks, or that all women are materialistic, or that soulmates are just a fairytale dream, then you are programming your subconscious mind to make all these things happen in your life! Analyze your thoughts and language and replace them with positive statements that will allow you to meet the partner of your dreams.

2)Decide what you want in your soulmate. That’s right! You can be as picky as you want. Don’t cut yourself short of anything. Write these things down, make a list! The main reason most people don’t get what they truly want in a partner, is because they don’t really know what they truly want. So, they just attract people by default, and most often those people are not right for them. Be clear on the qualities and characteristics you want in your soulmate.

3)Imagine how you want your perfect relationship to be. Down to the last detail. If you want romance, picture clearly a romantic evening with your future partner. Create the feelings you would feel that evening. Picture exactly how you want your partner to treat you and how you feel about each other. Believe me, this plays a huge part! Do this visualization as often as you can, and try to do it with feeling.

4)Don’t get too attached to how and when you will meet your soulmate. Many people do the first 3 steps with perfection, but miss out on this important last one. They do the above exercises religiously, to a point of obsession, frantically asking: “When is my soulmate gonna appear?!” By doing so, they are actually canceling out the above 3 steps! It’s important to do the above steps, but at the same time let go of how and when your soulmate will enter your life. Know what you want, but don’t become obsessed with it. As soon as you let go, your soulmate will appear when you least expect it.

5)Take action! Don’t just sit there and wait for your soulmate to be delivered to you on a silver platter. If you always go to the same places and do the same things and you haven’t met your soulmate yet, chances are you need to go somewhere different. Sign up for different activities. Say ‘yes’ to random invitations to parties or gatherings. Go somewhere you haven’t been to before. You never know where your soulmate might be!

To find out more about techniques on how to actively find your soulmate, please visit

Monday, April 5, 2010

Reasons Why You Haven't Met Your Soulmate Yet

You can blame your parents, friends, the opposite sex, your education and the way you've been brought up for not being able to meet your soulmate or ideal match. But fundamentally it all boils down to just one factor: YOU. The 5 reasons listed below may be eye-openers about what's holding you back from finding your soulmate and what you can do to make a breakthrough.

#1. You allow your past relationships to influence future ones.
If you've dated your fair share of unsuitable matches, chances are you have developed a comfort zone for the wrong person. This makes it difficult to meet your soulmate and get into the relationship of your dreams, since your subconscious mind produces a distorted picture of what a love partner should be like. So, stuck in this vicious cycle, you keep going for people who are not right for you at all. You may even notice a pattern where all your past partners share similar fundamental flaws that were incompatible with you. To get out of this vicious cycle, the first step is awareness. Take note of the unmatching traits that all your past partners had in common. Focus on the OPPOSITE of those traits to attract a person that's right for you.

#2. You complain about the opposite sex.

This is a nasty habit that we get into very early on in life. Girls complain to their girlfriends about guys and guys vice versa. While this gets things off your chest and perhaps helps you fit in with the crowd, beware of the consequences! The more you complain about the opposite sex, the more you attract the things you complain about, since they get programmed deeper and deeper in your subconscious mind every time you state a complaint. So, if you keep telling your girlfriends that men are afraid of commitment, don't be surprised if your next boyfriend takes 6 months to call you his woman. And if you complain to
your guy friends that women are always after money and status, you can be sure to end up with a gold-digger. If your friends are keen on complaining about the opposite sex, try not to participate in those discussions. Instead talk to people who have positive things to say, or focus on the positive qualities of men or women. Think of all the men and women you've ever met. If you can think of at least one who doesn't fit the things you complain about, then you can be sure there are thousands of others and your soulmate is bound to be among them.

#3. You accept settling for less.

It's a real shame how millions of people in the world simply accept that it's very difficult to meet their soulmate or the right person and they marry or stay with the wrong one just for the sake of being with someone. We develop this belief in childhood, and it is passed down to us from generation to generation, from people who were unable to meet their ideal match. So, just because our mother/father, grandparents, other family members didn't bother to find the right person for themselves, we automatically assume that we are destined to follow the same path. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE! It is not difficult to find the right person. It does not just happen to the lucky few. And it is NOT OK to settle for less. It may be OK now, but many years down the road you will deeply regret it when you look at your partner and feel nothing but resentment or empty space. Just remember that every time you as much as think that it's difficult to meet your soulmate, you put yourself farther away from the circumstances in which you could actually meet him/her. Your subconscious mind will literally make you oblivious to all the well-suited partners for you that are out there. So, be careful what you think, as it WILL come true.

#4. You don't believe in soulmates!

This one somewhat stems from the previous belief. So, not only do people think that it's difficult to find their soulmate, but many believe that it's impossible! They don't even believe that there exists a person who is right for them at all. They say this out loud to the world, yet deep down they wish and hope that Mr./Mrs. Right will walk in and change their mind. Well, it just doesn't work like that! You have to believe in Mr./Mrs. Right first, and only then can you expect him/her to walk through the door. Throw away the popular notion that 'seeing is believing'. From the fundamentals of the subconscious mind, the opposite is actually true and 'believing is seeing'! If you don't believe it, it will never exist in your life. Period.

#5. You secretly don't want to meet your soulmate.

Let's face it. Any relationship requires effort, and a soulmate one is no different. Don't get me wrong, it's extremely rewarding to put in that effort and it's a pleasure for both parties, but it's still effort, and for some of us effort equals pain. Remember that whatever you wish you had in your life is not there because you get some secret pleasure from not having it. This may seem absurd, and even offensive to some people, but when you really think about it, this starts to make sense. If you had your soulmate and the relationship of your dreams, you could no longer get satisfaction from complaining to your friends about men/women. You wouldn't get the sympathy from family every time you have a bad date. You would no longer be able to relate to your single friends, and even worse, they might begin to resent you for having found someone wonderful. You may not consciously think or even realize any of these things, but they may be preventing you from meeting your soulmate. To get past this, you need to get clear on the benefits of having a soulmate relationship and focus on them. Then you will be on the right path toward meeting your soulmate.

To find out more about how to find your soulmate, please visit

Monday, March 29, 2010

Finding Your Soulmate Is Not About Luck

Many people believe that finding your soulmate and having a happy relationship is just a matter of luck, that some people randomly “hit the relationship jackpot”, so to speak. But in reality, finding your soulmate is a matter of having the right mindset.

Two and a half years ago I came out of yet another unsuccessful relationship, convinced that it was impossible to find true love. I dreaded the thought of having to do it all over again, go on dates, blab about myself to the same unsuitable guys who would probably not be there after a few months. I just couldn't be bothered to put in the energy, to be honest.
To my great fortune, I was also going through a general life crisis at the time, where everything seemed to be going wrong with no solution in sight. I say "to my great fortune" without the least bit of facetiousness, because that crisis was probably the best thing that could've happened to me. It put me on the path to become a life coach, which is exactly where I learned the techniques of deliberate attraction. I used these techniques for different areas of my life, including my love life. Two months later I met the man of my dreams - my soulmate Jonathan - and now I couldn't be happier.

Carla had been through several unsuccessful long-term relationships, including a marriage, and finally became fed up with this misfortune. Unknowingly, she actually used similar techniques that I had and focused intently on what she wanted in a soulmate or ideal partner. Several months down the road she met the man she had wanted for years - her soulmate Alex - and they are in a harmonious, loving, committed relationship.

Angele had been hurt so many times by different men that she actually made a 3-month rule, which stated that she would not date anyone for longer than 3 months. That's when all the fun of the relationship usually ends, she thought. Realizing that this isn't very fulfilling, she was determined to find the right man, and used specific techniques to deliberately attract that man. She didn't have to wait long for her soulmate Minas to appear in her life, and they now have been very happily married for 5 years.

Angie used to believe that men were pretentious and only out to manipulate women into doing what they wanted. She created an impenetrable wall to protect herself, and not even a compliment from the opposite sex could get through. Unhappy with her love life, Angie decided that something needed to change – her mindset. Shortly after this change, her soulmate CJ appeared in her life, and proved to her that men can be 100% genuine, committed, and caring. CJ is everything Angie ever wanted in a life partner.

Were any of these matches coincidences? Hardly! They happened as a result of specific techniques of subconscious mind programming and deliberate attraction. I am not saying that this is the only way you could ever meet a soulmate. In fact, it's not necessary to use techniques of deliberate attraction if you are already in the right mindset about meeting your soulmate. But mindset is KEY. Those who didn't use any specific techniques to attract their ideal match are not lucky. They just had the correct mindset which enabled their subconscious mind to attract their soulmate. It never just happens by chance! You will never find a person who is unhappy with his/her love life who will all of a sudden meet their ideal partner. The universe doesn't work like that. You have to get into the mindset first, and then a matching reality will materialize around you. And the first step is to develop the right belief system about relationships, the opposite sex, and soulmates. To find out more about techniques of deliberate attraction, please visit

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Defining Soulmates

It seems to me that the number 1 reason most people are not in a soulmate relationship is not even so much that they don't believe in soulmates, but that they don't really understand what a soulmate is. The word "soulmate" has become almost stigmatized in our society due to a number of misconceptions surrounding it. And that's a real shame, because a soulmate relationship is one the most amazing things one can experience in life, and a concept that definitely needs some debunking and "unstigmatizing".

So, what do we really mean when we say this almost mystical word "soulmate"? Well, first let's examine what a soulmate ISN'T.
A soulmate is not someone who you have EVERYTHING in common with. Certainly, you must agree on certain fundamental issues, such as values and outlook on life, but it is a myth that your personality and interests have to match completely. In fact, sometimes opposite personalities make the best relationships, because you balance each other out, as is the case with me and my soulmate.
A soulmate is not someone who you never have arguments or disagreements with. Soulmate couples on average have just as many arguments as any other average human relationship; the difference is in HOW they deal with them and not let them escalate into major conflicts. This is much easier to do in a soulmate relationship because soulmates to see clearer through each others' ego facade and realize that whatever they are arguing about is just petty nonsense. If it's not petty, then they find a way to resolve their differences in a way that suits both parties satisfactorily.
Soulmates are not "joined at the hip". While soulmates probably do spend more time together than average couples, they still value their independence and realize that they are their own person. If not, then it is not a healthy relationship, which is based on dependence and possessiveness. In a healthy soulmate relationship both parties see each other as a valuable attribute to each other's lives, rather than a vital necessity.

At last, what IS a soulmate then?

A soulmate is someone who you FEEL like you could wake up to every single day and you wouldn't want it any other way. It is someone who you FEEL values and connects with your true self, not the image you put on for others. A soulmate can easily see through that image, and FEEL your true self, even in an argument (or just after it). A soulmate is someone who you FEEL fully comfortable with and someone who you want to share everything with (your past and future, grief and joy, income and emotions, plans and ideas, etc.). A soulmate FEELS what you feel, and one soulmate can't be happy if the other one isn't.
I keep emphasizing the word FEEL, because that word is basically what the whole definition of the word "soulmate" boils down to. A soulmate is someone who you feel and who feels you on almost the same level that you feel yourself. You are that connected on the fundamental level of subatomic particles which you consist of.

For more information about soulmates, please visit