Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Multiple Soulmates

Many people are enamoured with the idea of "The One". It is hyped up in movies, romance novels, and articles throughout magazines and on the internet, and all this perpetuates the illusion that there is only one perfect match (or soulmate) for each of us out there. From the point of view of the energy universe, however, this notion makes absolutely no sense!

For some, the idea of "The One" is a beautiful fantasy - one which they hope to realize some day if they are lucky; but to them it seems like a very difficult thing, since it is so rare. To others the whole thing seems repulsive, because they don't see how there could be this one "magical" soulmate on the planet that would bring them boundless pleasure and put an end to all the woes in their love life. So, they just settle for mediocre relationships, which they consider the norm and never experience true happiness in love. On the surface these two groups of people seem to be very different, but actually they have more in common than meets the eye. They both hold false beliefs about soulmates, and that's why they never end up meeting one. Yes, one. Not "The One". One of thousands upon thousands.

It's important to understand that your soul is perfectly compatible with more than one other soul on this planet. Your soul is the essence of you; it is your life energy, so to speak. This energy vibrates at different frequencies inside each and every one of us. Your vibrations may be very similar to some people, and very different from others. That's why with some people you "click", and with others you struggle to say a word. You get different "vibes" from different people. Your soul feels other souls right away and it knows its matches. This is how you make friends - the more similar your vibrational energy is, the stronger the friendship. But you wouldn't say that you could only have one friend like that in your life or in the world, right?

It's exactly the same with romantic relationships. The more similar your vibrational energy is to that of your partner, the better the match will be. And out of almost 7 billion human beings on our planet now, there may be literally thousands upon thousands of potential perfect matches for your energy, all of them your soulmates! You may walk past them every day on the street and not even know it, because your false beliefs ingrained so deeply in your subconscious mind will block them out of your scope of awareness. In order to meet one of your soulmates, the first step is to shatter the belief system of "The One" and realize that it's not difficult to meet a soulmate at all if you allow it to happen. And to accelerate the process, you can use the method presented in The Soulmate Guide at


  1. I see what you mean about having more than one soulmate now! Your example of having more than one friend that understands you really hit home. I have a lot of different friends and they all are very close to me. I am ready to find one of my soulmates. And I have already accepted an invitation to something I wouldn't normally go too!


  2. Could you write an article about what exactly "matching vibrations" means? I get the yin/yang (testosterone/estrogen mix) concept, but I'm unsure about the vibrations part. When someone says "vibrational match" I think "the same personality, same beliefs/values/morals/life goals etc." But I've also heard, and find it compelling, that soul mates differ from their mate in such a significant way (maybe personality, beliefs, values etc.) that they help their partner grow for enjoying the diverse perspective of their mate and adjusting to the differences (that probably drive them crazy at times).

    So basically, the more similar, the least growth. That's the theory I hear.

    Elena, what do you think?

  3. Yes i agree that any one life has multiple soul mates and this can involve both sexes for there are many connections to the creative soul. We are a floating energy directed by another energy called a guidance or higher aspect who awaits our departure for their recrimination. I believe in the fact that energy can neither be created or destroyed and has evolved over times creation of human. Our energy connects and in crowded room of strangers we will always connect with a small fraction of similar energies called humans. these are our multiple soul mates in life and they can be male or female alike.

  4. I tell you, I usually get irked when folks discuss issues that they plainly do not know about.but this is different, I'm liking it. SOULMATE
